Песни, ролевые и не только Песни, ролевые и не только

Песни, ролевые и не только

Поп-группа середины 80-х годов прошлого века, к РИ отношения не имеет. Известна многими песнями, в том числе и этой:

What Can I Do

Every dream that I dream
Seems to float on by
Like a cloud in the wind
Way up in the sky
Every move that I make
Seems to be the wrong way
Like a cold black night
After a summer day

What can I do
What can I do
Nothing to say but it used to be
Nothing to say but it used to be
What can I do

You still play my guitar
With a smile on my face
Now everything's changed
My whole life's rearranged
From the day I was born
Sidle Jinks was my name
Though I tried and I tried
That name still remains

What can I do
What can I do
Nothing to say but it used to be
Nothing to say but it used to be
What can I do

What can I do
What can I do
What can I do
What can I do

I hear voices all singing
But no one is there
It's a ghost of my life
Bringing past tense to mind
Lokin' key inside me
From the freedom and sin
Oh come let me in
I'll start all over again

What can I do
What can I do
Nothing to say but it used to be
No no no no no no no no no
What can I do
What can I do

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